Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry



Participant : Sophie Demassey.

The goal of the project is to create an internationally visible regional research group putting together the key actors in the domain of Operations Research in the Pays de la Loire region.


Participant : Charles Prud'Homme.

Develop, promote and build up an eco-system around free software in the Pays de la Loire region. The TASC team is involved in the maintenance and development of the free constraint programming platform CHOCO .


Participant : Nicolas Beldiceanu.

  • Title: UNIT .

  • Duration: 2011.

  • Type: Developing teaching material.

  • Budget: 5000 Euros.

  • Others partners: EMN (CAPE ).

Pedagogical material and software for learning constraints programming for non experts (integrated within the global constraint catalog).


Participants : Charlotte Truchet, Bruno Belin.

The SUSTAINS project (Constraint-based Prototyping of Urban Environments) aims at building decision support system for city development planning with evaluation of energy impacts. The project is focussed on spatial allocation of typical units such as industrial areas, commercial areas and leaving areas with their respective appropriate infrastructure. Its integrates sustainability, transport and energy concerns.


Participants : Jérémie du Boisberranger, Xavier Lorca, Charlotte Truchet.

The work of TASC focuses on the use of probabilistic methods to avoid waking systematically global constraints for nothing. The goal is to provide probabilistic models for the consistency of global constraints such as alldifferent or nvalue. We compute the probability of a constraint to be still consistent after fixing one of its variables and provide an approximation that can be computed in constant time. The PhD of J. du Boisberranger is co-supervised with D. Gardy from Univ. de Versailles Saint-Quentin .


Participants : Nicolas Beldiceanu, Sophie Demassey, Xavier Lorca, Arnaud Letort.

  • Title: SelfXL .

  • Duration: 2009-2011.

  • Type: embedded systems and large infrastructures research program.

  • Budget: founding for half a PhD.

  • Others partners: ASCOLA .

Flexible and efficient tools for complex-large scale autonomic systems. TASC contributes for handling bin packing and bin repacking problems with side constraints derived from migration modes of virtual machines between servers. Constraints based models and CHOCO based solvers are developed for this purpose. The work was done with F. Hermenier and J.-M. Menaud .


Participants : Nicolas Beldiceanu, Gilles Chabert.

  • Title: Networked Warehouse Management Systems 2: packing with complex shapes.

  • Duration: 2011-2014.

  • Type: cosinus research program, new project.

  • Budget: 189909 Euros.

  • Others partners: KLS Optim and CONTRAINTES (INRIA Rocquencourt).

This project builds on the former European FP6 Net-WMS Strep project that has shown that constraint-based optimisation techniques can considerably improve industrial practice for box packing problems, while identifying hard instances that cannot be solved optimally, especially in industrial 3D packing problems with rotations, the needs for dealing with more complex shapes (e.g. wheels, silencers) involving continuous values. This project aims at generalising the geometric kernel geost for handling non-overlapping constraints for complex two and three dimensional curved shapes as well as domain specific heuristics. This will be done within the continuous solver IBEX , where discrete variables will be added for handling polymorphism (i.e., the fact that an object can take one shape out of a finite set of given shapes).


Participants : Xavier Lorca, Charles Prud'Homme.

  • Title: Towards a Java Virtual Machine for pervasive computing.

  • Duration: 2011-2013.

  • Type: new project.

  • Budget: 78000 Euros.

  • Others partners: Univ. Paris 6 (REGAL team), LaBRI (LSR team), IRISA (TRISKELL ).

The INFRA-JVM project will investigate how to enhance the design of Java virtual machines with new functionalities to better manage resources, namely resource reservation, scheduling policies, and resource optimization at the middleware level. TASC is concerned with this later aspect. The performance of CHOCO will be improved using the memory snapshot mechanism that will be developed.